Wednesday, 20 April 2011

St Paul's Sound map

These 'sound maps' are my first attempt to understand what impact sound has in cities, what we actually hear when walking through a space and what we could listen to if we would stop. And maybe slowly understand what it needs to create quality public spaces.

Soundmapping on Carter Lane Quarter near St Paul's Cathedral
Monday 29.11.10
Time of recording: 15:40
Very cold 0C

Recording 1

Location 1 - Near Christmas tree inner part, not many people

0:30 People pass by + Lorry
1:00 Other people
1:32 Buses
1:50 Buses

Recording 2

Location 2 - Sound mapping -recorder on floor near information point
- Sounds louder than previous location

People approaching information point:

0:45 Spanish business men
0:55 French tourists
2:20 3 tourists
2:25 St Paul's bells ring
3.15 Police car sirene
3:30 4 Swiss german tourists
3:47 People walking by, high heals

Recording 3

Location 4 - walking (pink dots on map)

0:37 Police loud near crossing
0:45 Stopped near crossings

General comments:
  • This area acts as rest area for tourists and passers-by in between Tate Modern and St Paul’s Cathedral.
  • Enables people to locate themselves on maps, at the adjacent tourist information centre
  • It is not really a place to stay, more a ‘tampon’ garden
  • It is calming as the surroundings are very busy